Luke’s involvement with racing began around three years of age as he traveled with his family to watch his older brother compete in Quarter Midget race cars. Most of the time he played with his hot wheels on little tracks that he and his friends created in the dirt of the pit area next to the race trailers. It soon became obvious that Luke shared an interest in his brothers racing since he would always climb into the car given the opportunity. When he turned 5 years old he was old enough to compete. As parents we had to make the decision on whether to let him race or not. Luke is profoundly deaf which resulted from a bout with spinal meningitis at 11 months old. Other than being unable to hear, he was capable of doing anything that his hearing peers could do and many times was much better. So taking into consideration that racing is a visual sport and as long as Luke understood the flags, he would be on the same playing field as his hearing competition because under the helmet and with the roar of the engines, everyone is deaf!
Phenix is proud to be partnered with this talented and inspirational young man! For more info, videos and pictures be sure to checkout their Facebook Page.