The Car
A 1987 Honda CRX that was set up and put together by Todd’s father in law and Oscar Jackson of Jackson Racing back in the mid 1990’s. Todd’s father in law passed on and his wife wanted the car to stay in the family.
“My wife and I towed the car to Tennessee where we started to run the car in SCCA Solo events. It did not take long to get the racing bug, for the last 13 years the car has been in 30 to 40 HPDE events. HPDE stands for High Performance Driving Education or Experience. The car is on the track with a WIDE variety of cars at the same time. Anything from Porsche to Corvette to Ford GT40 this last weekend. People running their cars at 10/10ths in a safe environment at the limits of their abilities. The experiences in this car have now given me the privilege of becoming a driving instructor in my spare time so I can give back a little to this amazing sport.”
The Driver
Todd is a proud dad of two amazing kids that are both in college. Very happily married to a wonderful woman. “We met in So Cal at Northrop University. My first job was with Rocketdyne in Canoga Park in the Valley, my wifes first job was just down the street from you guys and what used to be ROHR, now Goodrich Aerospace or UTC in Riverside. We have both been in Aerospace since the early 80’s and are both Aero Engineers.”
Todd mentions the car is now for sale as it is time to move up into a Corvette Track Car